Convert PNG to TXT

News - March 14, 2025:
Version 10.4.3
PNG to TXTYou can easily convert your PNG files to TXT with this online tool. Furthermore, the Online PDF Converter offers many more features. Just select the files, which you want to merge, edit, unlock or convert.
Depending on your files you can set many options - most of them can be combined!
Finally, click on 'Convert'. Do you need help? Documentation of all features
(or just drag&drop your files here)
The maximum file size is 150 MB. All files together must not exceed 200 MB.
You can select up to 30 files.
Tip: you can select several files at once (by pressing the Ctrl-Key)

The following preferences affect the compression of all images/graphics. The file size depends on the quality and resolution values.
If you need a small file size, decrease the values.
Compression for PDF-to-PDF
Should quality and resolution be retained as in the original?

Quality of images
The lower the quality, the smaller is the file size.
8 - Standard, optimal quality

Resolution of images
The lower the resolution, the smaller is the file size.
300 dpi (Standard, optimal resolution)

Color / black-and-white
Images in black-and-white reduce the file size additionally
Zoom setting on startup:
This can be changed in the PDF Reader additionally.
Determine automatically

Page view on startup:
This can be changed in the PDF Reader additionally.
Determine automatically

Should headings or bookmarks be created like a table of contents?

Navigation window:
Should a sidebar be displayed when opening the file?
Show bookmarks when opening the file (if available)

PDF annotations & highlighting:
(only applied for PDF to PDF conversions)
The following preferences affect only conversions from image files (jpg, gif, png, bmp, tif)
Page layout:
Size and orientation of the page
Automatic orientation (Standard)

Images per page:
How many images should be displayed on a page?
1 image per page

Image size:
How big should the image be displayed on the page?
Original size, if possible

Page margin:
How big should be the space between image and page margin (at least)?

Orientation of the images:
How should the image be rotated?
Original orientation
Security options:

Printing, editing and/or copying of PDF pages can be locked separately.

Additionally, a password can be set to prevent opening of the PDF file by everyone.

These settings affect the conversion from Excel to PDF and from PDF to Excel.
Decimal separator
determines the formatting of decimal numbers
Comma (,)

for the date formatting
Define a new PDF layout (e.g. multiple pages per sheet) or change an existing layout (e.g from A3 to A4).
PDF page layout:
Format, size, pages per sheet...
Original layout
These settings affect the optimization of images when choosing an image format (like JPG) or when converting to Image-PDF or to a searchable PDF.
(e.g. for scanned documents which are skewed)

(e.g. for slight shades or yellowish paper)

(e.g. if the text is not dark enough)
Uploaded files are never saved. All data is deleted after conversion. More about privacy
From the developer of